I have dreamed of milking my own goat and making cheese and butter for longer than I can remember .  Have you ever dreamed of something so long that when it finally came true you became so nervous and scared that you weren't even sure that you could do it? Well that was me.  I FINALLY had the opportunity to get my own milking goat ! As soon as I met Daisy she came right up to me and put her nose next to mine.  The bonding began! This goat came at a most happy time in our family . You see my husband had just been through 6 months of radiation and chemotherapy and had just been given the news that all the cancer was gone ! He was healed! The doctors said it was a true  miracle ! I had only been milking her for 3 days when I got the most devastating news ......my little brother had passed away from a sudden asthma attack.  He was 47 years old .

The emotional roller coaster from good news to devastating news was more than I could take. I knew that I couldn't stay in bed because Daisy depended on me to milk her every morning and every evening otherwise she would become engorged and have severe pain. She was the only reason that I got out of bed.  Each time I was with her she would put her cheek against mine or put her head on my shoulder and remain very quiet and still as if to say " I love you and everything will be alright".  I couldn't even bear to go to work.  I spent  every morning and every evening for months and months crying to Daisy and to God as she let me milk her .

I would usually start out crying and by the time I was done milking I had a full pale of milk and all my tears seemed to slow down and I was prompted to think of happy times with my brother .  I remember thinking that at least he got to live long enough to get the news of my husband's healing .  It was as if I could hear God saying " I have Mark with me . Know that I love you and I am with you".

Milking Daisy had truly become a spiritual and healing experience .  I have had many opportunities to share this story with others who have had significant loss in their lives and  I have seen the impact through tears and  gratefulness  for sharing.   I am reminded of the scripture Romans 8: 37 - 39
"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, nor angels or demons, nor anything impending and threatening, nor things to come, nor powers , nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate use from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord".

"From the Soul of my Rubber boots"


  1. This is beautiful! Love this testimony!

  2. This is the first one of your blogs I'm reading. Thank you. I look forward to reading the rest. God is there all the time and Daisy was there to show you.

  3. Enjoy your journey so much Kim. What a blessing that you are sharing with us all. And rest assured, Mark is with us and with you! Love you precious, Aunt Diane


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