Baby Lazarus

At 3:00 a.m. Baby Lazarus woke me up ... to say goodbye.....
Although I only had him in my life for less than 2 weeks the love and the things I learned from him will stay with me forever.   After he was born he quickly began to show signs of getting weak.  Each day he began to move slower and slower and needed more and more help-.  I loved him from the moment I saw him.   This little goat could fit in the palm of my hand .  When I noticed that he was having trouble I immediately knew that I would love and care for him no matter what .  No matter how dependent  he became.  I would adapt my life to keep him with me . I bought premature baby diapers, baby bottles, etc. I began to milk his mother and made sure that he got the colostrum.  I asked God to bless him and give me the knowledge of how to care for him.  I also took him to the vet.     I was ready. I began to understand what his cries meant .  I knew when he was hungry, when he needed to be changed,  and if he wanted to be re positioned.  You see , towards the end he was not able to re position himself because of his weakness  .

On the day before he died , I placed him against my heart so he could feel my love and body heat.  He suckled on my earlobe and I knew he was saying " thank you and I love you".  After he died I knew that I had done all that I could to help him but actually he had been helping me and continues to help me even inn his passing....with knowing the we are truly to help each other.  You see , my relationship with Baby Lazarus was like a metaphor for how we should love people - each other . As he became weaker  and weaker it reminded me of how we should care for each other , our  disabled brothers and sisters , and our elderly .

Are we caring for each other ? When one of us become weak are we providing the extra love an support that is needed ? Are we reminding each other that we are loved and are valuable no matter what our physical capabilities are ?  God has made each and every one of us unique and special.  It is so easy to feel discouraged and alone in this materialistic world where abilities and  accomplishments seem to be the most important .  I will never forget Baby Lazarus and how he taught me the importance of love and loving each other . As it is written in 1 John 3:16-18 By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth. We are spiritual  beings having a human experience not human beings having a spiritual experience.

Baby Lazarus was named appropriately .  He died but instead of being brought back to life physically , his memory was brought back to me forever.  God uses his precious animals to reach and heal us. My prayer  is that Baby Lazarus 's life has touched us all and reminds us to love each other .

Have you lost a beloved pet who has changed your life too? please share your story on my blog so that the memory of your beloved can live on and help us all.


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