My Baby Goats are Missing!

Driving home from work I suddenly had  terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach.  I knew something was wrong.  I called home and asked my son to check on all the animals.  He said everyone was ok.  When I hung up I realized that I should have asked him to count the baby goats.  I was almost home so I planned to check on them right away as soon as I got home.  Well , as I approached  the driveway I started having that sinking feeling in my stomach again .  I knew I had to get out in the back and count the new baby goats.  It was beginning to get dark so I didn't have much time.  After changing quickly into my farm clothes I raced out.  It didn't take long to do a roll call.  You see when I use " the call" everyone , I mean everyone comes running to me  - the horse , pot bellied pigs, chickens , sheep , cats, dogs, and goats - lots of dwarf nigerian goats.   Everyone came except the new baby goats.  My heart sank.  I began to walk towards the back of the property towards the barn.  Have you ever noticed that when you are in a hurry it feels like it takes forever to get there?

I began to pick up the pace.  I was walking so fast that my rubber boots were squeaking against the wet grass. As I got to the barn I noticed that all the animals were following me , especially Sweet Pea my pot bellied pig. I didn't think much of it at the time .  I was focused on finding the babies.  I looked in all the corners , the hidden spots, under leaves, in piles of grass.  Nothing .  My heart began to sink even further . I knelt down to take another look near an old pallet and I could see two black objects.  Could it be ?  Sophie's two  babies were solid black with a few white spots.  " Low and behold " it was them! I gently pulled them out one by one and checked them head to toe. All was well. Whew! I placed them with their mother and she began to nurse them.  I turned and looked at Annabelle my other mama goat . " Where are your babies? " I asked. She began to cry and started pacing . We were still missing her two babies.   It was getting noticeably dark.  I knew I didn't have much time. As my heart pounded I tried not to think of the worst.  I continued to look everywhere and all the animals could sense that something was wrong and the urgency that I was feeling .  As I yelled out to my husband and son for help , I couldn't help but notice that all the animals were acting different. What was happening?  They were actively searching for the babies too!  I had never seen anything like it before !  All but one that is.  Sweet Pea stayed next to me.  Her little legs were working over time to keep up with me because by now I was running in all directions frantically.  The worry became overwhelming .  I knelt down in the grass and tears came flowing down.  I couldn't stop the sobbing .  As I cried Sweet Pea leaned firmly against my side pressing as much of her body against mine.  I looked at her and I could see this amazing love in her soft gentle eyes. She placed her snout against my leg so gently and I new she was say " I love you and everything will be alright" .  As my crying turned into weeping, I asked myself " what is happening? why am I crying so hard?   I realized that I was also crying for my little special needs goat Lazarus who had died earlier this morning .  I didn't want to lose any more baby goats.   My son came up to me asked if I was ok. I justified the tears by saying the babies are too young to be away from their mother out in the cold all night.  I could barely talk through my sobbing.  He said " Mom did you pray ? Did you ask God where they are? "  . I mumbled " I think so".  I realized that I had been too upset to pray.  Within moments my son yelled " I found them! They are ok! I asked God where they  were and he told me to look next to the  green flower pot on the right side of the cottage".

I was so humbled and thankful.  Of course I was thankful that they had been found but it goes deeper than that.  I was even more thankful  for my son's response. You see, my husband is a pastor and often teaches about going to God with all of your problems.  We have learned the importance of " giving it to God " and " casting your cares on Him" but today I witnessed the effectiveness of this and realized that my son has actually learned how to " give it to God".  As I hugged him and thanked him for finding the babies he said " Mom don't forget to pray and ask God next time " .  As they say  " Out   of the mouths of babes ".


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