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Which Came First the Chicken or the Egg? I have always had a soft spot in my heart for chickens.  They are so cute with such variety of shapes , colors, and sizes.   I cannot help but smile when I see one.  They have such spunky personalities!  But the real fascination I have had is with the actual hatching of the egg.  I have always secretly wished that I could witness this first hand.  Over the past several years we have acquired quite a few chickens.  Folks seem to know that I will take in any animal that needs a home and that is pretty much how my number of chickens has continued to grow.  One day I was given the cutest miniature solid white rooster with the name Gandolf.  I think he is a bantam.  Although tiny in stature he has  stepped into his role as the only rooster amongst all females.  Knowing that I have a male now ,  I began to hope for fertilized eggs and I continued to secretly pray for the chance to one day witness a baby chick actually hatching from its egg. Wel

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